Hi, All,

I am a pretty new user to Gentoo and I like it! I am
trying to install XFce4 by gentoo 2005.1 package CD.
But each time when I do "startxfce4", it always gives
me a error message "error when loading shared
libraries". Did I miss anything during the

Here is what I did to install Xfce4
put the package CD in
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
export PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom
emerge --usepkgonly xfce4
then I update rc.conf(using xdm and XSESSION="Xfce-4"
and also make a .xsession(exec startxfce4) in my home

My machine is kind of old(PII 400). that is why I am
trying to use package CD to install everything.

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