On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 04:06:34PM -0400, Sean Lester wrote:
> Greetings,
>      I have a partially working Postfix installation.  It delivers
> messages on the localhost.  It'll receive messages from the internet.
> But, it will not send messages to any hosts on the internet.  I've
> checked my iptables and port 25 is open both ways.  Also, each error
> I've gotten has been that the target smtp server has "Timed Out."  Can
> anyone point me in the right direction?  Postfix?  Firewall?  Host or
> Domain Name resolution?  Other?  

What is your setup like? Is the smtp time out happening between client
and postfix, or between postfix and a relay host? 

If the problem is that your mail client cannot send mail through
postfix, check /etc/postfix/main.cf, a few variables of interest might
be inet_interfaces, my_destination, mynetworks_style, etc. 

If the problem is between postfix and a relay host, perhaps your relay
transport is configured wrong?

What are the outputs in /var/log/mail/current after you try to send a
mail? (That question only applies if you know the problem happens
AFTER the mail gets passed from the client to postfix).


I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
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