On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 16:23:56 -0400, gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:

> > Remember that udev is part of systemd, which is why you cannot have
> > both packages installed. After unmerging udev, emerging systemd brings
> > it back anyway. Your only window of risk is something happening
> > between those two operations, but since you are still working in a
> > chroot at this point, even that wouldn't matter.  
> Probably the --unmerge would have worked.  But I basically started over
> (untar of the stage3) and applied canek two-step recipe
>    First switch to the systemd profile and emerge world
>    Second switch to the gnome/system profile and emerge gnome
> It worked well.

Glad it worked for you. I don't use GNOME, so that was an extra layer of
trouble I didn't have to deal with.

Neil Bothwick

When you finally buy enough memory, you will not have enough disk space.
 -- Murphy's Computer Laws n\xB03

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