On Sun, 26 Jul 2015 15:14:46 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Actually I did have a bit of a fling with btrfs at that time, but I
> couldn't understand what the docs were telling me. I must have had a
> comprehension gap or something, but in the end I just went back to what
> I knew and reinstalled from backups. The BIOS is still in the MBR era
> anyway.
> Not wishing to hijack the thread, 

Too late :)

> but out of interest, what would you
> recommend for this box with its old BIOS, and two SSDs with LVM2
> volumes? At present I have this fstab:
> /dev/md1           /boot                  ext2 relatime,noauto   1 2
> /dev/md5           /                      ext4 relatime,discard  1 1
> /dev/vg7/home      /home                  ext4 relatime,discard  1 2
> /dev/vg7/common    /home/prh/common       ext4 relatime,discard  1 3
> /dev/vg7/boinc     /home/prh/boinc        ext4 relatime,discard  1 3
> /dev/vg7/virt      /home/prh/.VirtualBox  ext4 relatime,discard  1 3
> /dev/vg7/var       /var                   ext4 relatime,discard  1 2
> /dev/vg7/portage   /usr/portage           ext4 relatime,discard  1 3
> /dev/vg7/packages  /usr/portage/packages  ext4 relatime,discard  1 2
> /dev/vg7/distfiles /usr/portage/distfiles ext4 relatime,discard  1 2
> /dev/vg7/local     /usr/local             ext4 relatime,discard  1 2
> /dev/vg7/tmp       /tmp                   ext2
> relatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec  1
> 2 /dev/vg7/vartmp    /var/tmp/              ext4
> relatime,discard,nosuid,nodev 1 2
> I've omitted quite a few other partitions that don't bear on my
> question. /dev/vg7 is on /dev/md7.

Are the 2 SSDs in a RAID? If so, I'd give btrfs RAID a try, you just need
to get your hear round the concepts of volumes and sub-volumes. Before
using btrfs for real, I created a couple of loopback disk files to play
around with the options.
You couuld probably switch over with minimal downtime by failing one of
the SSDs and removing it from the RAID. Create a single device btrfs
filesystem on it and copy the data over. Once you are happy with it, add
the other disk and convert to RAID1.

Neil Bothwick

"I'm Not Sure If I'm Homosexual", Said Tom, Half In Earnest.

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