On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 10:38:44AM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote

> 4896 /usr/bin/abcde
> > that handles
> > things to *MY* specs for *MY* needs.  It processes .inf and .wav files
> > in a directory, creating flac files in a flac subdirectory.  I haven't
> > tested it under all conditions, but it tries to handle...
> > 
> > * Check for a "flac" subdirectory; create one if it doesn't already
> > exist
> > * If "Tracktitle" field is empty, bail out.
> > * If "Tracktitle" field contains a slash ("/"), assume that the artist's
> >   name is to the left of the slash, and the song name is on the right
> >   side of the slash.
> > * If "Tracktitle" field is non-empty, but doesn't contain a "/", assume
> >   that it only has the title.
> >   - Get the artist name from the "Performer" field.
> >   - If "Performer" field is empty, use "Albumperformer" field.
> >   - If both are empty, set artist name to "Unknown".
> > * The flac files are created in the "flac" subdirectory
> That's pretty much what I do with abcde, except I only had to edit a
> config file, leaving my script puttering time for wheels I need more.
> How do you handle compilation/multi-artist CDs?

  Please re-read the message you're replying to. An example .inf file is
attached.  There are 3 fields that my algorithm looks at...

Albumperformer= 'Various Artists'
Performer=      'Various Artists'
Tracktitle=     'Johnny Cash / I Walk The Line'

  Given that there is a separate .inf file for each track, I figure the
way it *SHOULD* be done is to have the track title in the "Tracktitle"
field, and the artist in the "Performer" field.  But, no, that's too
logical.  The old saw about MTAs is "be conservative in what you send,
and liberal in what you accept".  Boy, do I ever have to be liberal in
what I accept.  As noted in my previous message, the algorithm, in
descending priority is...

1) If the "Tracktitle" field contains a slash, assume that it's in the
format 'Artist or Group Name / Track name'.  The above example gets
converted to "I_Walk_The_Line_-_Johnny_Cash.flac".

2) Some .inf files actually get it right (gasp!) with the track title
in the "Tracktitle" field and the performer in the "Performer" field.
There is no slash "/" in the "Tracktitle" field.

Albumperformer= 'Glenn Miller'
Performer=      'Glenn Miller'
Tracktitle=     'In the mood'

This gets converted to "In_the_mood_-_Glenn_Miller.flac"

3) A variant on 2) above, if no "/" in "Tracktititle", and the
"Performer" field is empty, use the "Albumperformer" field as the

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

Attachment: audio_01.inf.gz
Description: Binary data

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