Rich Freeman <> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 9:51 AM, lee <> wrote:
>> |
>> |   (dev-libs/boost-1.56.0-r1:0/1.56.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) 
>> pulled in by
>> |     (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
>> |
>> |   (dev-libs/boost-1.55.0-r2:0/1.55.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) 
>> pulled in by
>> |     dev-libs/boost:0/1.55.0= required by 
>> (dev-libs/librevenge-0.0.2:0/0::gentoo, installed)
>> |                   ^^^^^^^^^^
>> |     (and 2 more with the same problem)
>> |
>>>  (I wrote the below)
>>> that doesn't work just try running emerge -1 on the packages that are
>>> causing the block by depending on the older package version?
>> I suppose the newer versions of the packages are the ones that are
>> causing the blocks.  You could argue that other versions of packages are
>> causing the blocks, but I would argue that there weren't any blocks
>> before the newer versions of the packages were available, hence the
>> newer versions obviously cause the blocks.  That is to say that I'm
>> unsure which packages you're referring to as those causing the blocks.
> Apologies if it was a bit unclear.

np :)

> In this example, I'd run emerge -1 =dev-libs/librevenge-0.0.2
> You also need to run it on the "2 more with the same problem" but we
> don't know what those are.  Adding --verbose might help.  It should be
> safe to run emerge -1 on anything you already have installed.  If this
> is a dynamic deps issue then emerge -1 pkg will probably help.
> Either way, after trying that can you post the output of this:
> emerge -j 8 -p --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=500
> --verbose --tree @world
> That will show you what is pulling in updates to what.  I'm interested
> in the entire output of emerge, not just the parts you think are most
> relevant - feel free to attach a file containing it.

Well, what I did was basically:

emerge -a --changed-deps=y @world
emerge -j 8 -a --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=100 @world
[fix USE flag]
emerge -j 8 -a --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=100 @world
[remove nvidia-settings]
emerge -j 8 -a --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=100 @world
emerge @preserved-rebuild

That took about 2 hours to update 233 packages.  Then I made the new
kernel and found that for unknown reasons, without warning, the zfs
startup scripts were disabled (very bad idea ...).  Today I updated the
LXC guest and went over the kernel settings and managed to get my
trackball not to work anymore, then took quite a while to figure out
what was missing (it needs a HID driver which, for unknown reasons, got
disabled ...).

So after two days, I finally got seamonkey 2.35 (and a cleaned-up
kernel) ... and I wonder why libreoffice hasn't been updated.  Not that
it matters, but why not?

Again we must be afraid of speaking of daemons for fear that daemons
might swallow us.  Finally, this fear has become reasonable.

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