On Sunday, October 11, 2015 12:11:07 PM Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hello list,
> I've just received a delivery failure message from my ISP, zen.co.uk, saying
> it couldn't deliver an e-mail I'd sent. There's only one thing wrong (apart
> from the reason for the failure, which is out of my control). It's shown in
> the second line of the failure notice:
>       Received: from [xx.xx.xx.xx] (helo=wstn.localnet)
> I've bowdlerised the IP, and wstn is the name of this box, but where did it
> get localnet from? I've grepped /etc for it, and I've searched my home
> directory tree for it. Both searches turned up empty.
> I use KMail, which is set up to send all outgoing mail directly to my ISP
> via SMTP; no other box is involved. And I hope my ADSL router isn't
> interfering.
> My head's getting sore from being scratched. Has anyone a clue for me?

In your SMTP-server config, did you configure "Send custom hostname to server"?
Also, check the output of " hostname -f ".


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