On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Jc García <jyo.gar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-11-25 16:10 GMT-06:00  <waltd...@waltdnes.org>:
>> /dev/sda7.  Here's the relevant portion of /etc/fstab...
> ...
>> /home/bindmounts/opt    /opt        auto     bind               0 0
> Why not use regular partiontions instand of bindmounts, you are just
> doing weird stuff seems to me.

Then all your free space gets fragmented across a dozen different
filesystems and you end up micromanaging everything.

I use one filesystem for root, and another filesystem for everything
else.  I mostly use symlinks, but at times Gentoo has been picky about
symlinks so in some cases I've used bind mounts instead.  When my root
was really tiny and almost everything was elsewhere I had a ton of
bind mounts.  Now that all the places portage touches are on root I
don't have to deal with that as much.

I think the df behavior above is somewhat normal when you have bind mounts.


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