Nikos Chantziaras <> [16-01-16 03:36]:
> On 15/01/16 21:50, wrote:
> >regardless how powerful a payable graphics card may be...
> >if one uses the same graphicsscards for rendering as for the desktop
> >the desktop starts heavily lagging/freezing just in the moment
> >blenders rendering engine Cycles start working.
> >At least, these are my experiences.
> >Thats why I use an old just-fast-enough graphics card for the desktop
> >and a second, more current one for rendering only.
> Yeah, makes sense. Which drivers are you using? NVidia's changelogs 
> almost always have a "fixed console switching issues" entry on every 
> driver release. It seems they're still haven't figured this out 
> completely, so the only suggestion I can give is to try more recent 
> drivers.
> Another thing is to test whether a text-only console vs a framebuffer 
> one makes any difference. Officially, nvidia only supports text mode 
> consoles. At least on my system, the nvidia driver prints this on dmesg 
> with my framebuffer console setup:
> NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console
> NVRM: on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver
> NVRM: requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other  
> console
> NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in
> NVRM: corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.
> Although I have no choice in the matter really, since text mode is not 
> supported on my system. Fortunately it's been working without issues 
> for me. But text mode might solve your issue (if your system supports 
> that.) Or it might not :-P

Hi Nikos,

thanks for the informations! :)

the drivers I use are:

[I] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
     Available versions:  [M]96.43.23-r1(0/96)^msd [M]173.14.39-r1(0/173)^msd 
304.131(0/304)^msd 340.93-r1(0/340)^msd 340.96(0/340)^msd 346.96-r1(0/346)^msd 
352.63(0/352)^msd (~)352.68(0/352)^msd 355.11-r2(0/355)^msd 
(~)358.16-r1(0/358)^msd (~)361.16(0/361)^msd (~)361.18(0/361)^msd {+X acpi 
custom-cflags +driver gtk gtk2 gtk3 +kms multilib pax_kernel (+)tools uvm 
KERNEL="FreeBSD linux"}
     Installed versions:  361.18^msd(20:30:57 01/15/16)(X driver gtk3 kms 
multilib tools uvm -acpi -gtk2 -pax_kernel KERNEL="linux -FreeBSD")
     Description:         NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver

Yesterday I experimented a little bit and I am quite sure, that the
problem is created by X11/nvidia-drivers/kernel and the kind of the
console is not the problem (read: I am not sure, though).

The bugreport linked from another mail of this thread also reports,
that using an older version of the nvidia-drivers will fix the

Best regards,

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