On Fri, 25 Mar 2016 09:40:07 +0000, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> > A user has 2 choices:
> > 
> > - set python2 as default and configure packages that can use python3
> > to use it
> > - set python3 as default and configure packages that requires python2
> > to use it
> > 
> > Which method you use depends entirely on what packages you use.  
> But Gentoo has two python versions set: a python 2 and a python 3. I
> assume that ebuilds specify which version they need, so the default is
> rarely used.
> In that case it won't matter which is set as default.

It's not the ebuilds, they are written n bash, it's the various scripts
you tun. If they specify the interpreter as python2 or python3,
everything is fine (you can eselect the default for each of these) but if
it just calls python, the script had better be written for the version
you have as default.

On the basis that all python3 scripts were written at a time when the
difference was known, but the same does not apply to all python2 scripts,
I prefer to leave the default at python2. That was everything should run,
no matter how old it is.

Neil Bothwick

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a
warning to others.

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