Do I understand correctly that you're looking to set up a Gentoo server
as a "hub" from which you can retrieve your mail using any of your
client systems?

If I understood correctly, interoperability should be easy because
mostly it comes down to IMAP/SMTP/POP3 and support for those protocols
is pretty good across lots of applications. But maybe I got it wrong?


On Mon, Mar 28, 2016, at 08:21, James wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been googling for some guides on setting up encrypted mail
> on a gentoo system and specifically how you would set up the apple
> or android phone on the other end. Lots to read. Guidance on the
> applications (both cell phone and the gentoo workstations. I guess
> that inter-operability is what I'm most curious about. I'm not running a 
> MTA, but I could if that helps?

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