> On Sun, 17 April 2016, at 9:47 am, gevisz <gev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "VLC could not decode the format "Opus" (Opus Audio)"
> I have tried to add the opus use flag to media-video/ffmpeg
> and to add the matroska use flag to media-video/vlc

vlc itself has an opus USE flag. At least, vlc-2.2.1-r1 does.

If you enable it, it pulls in media-libs/opus and enables opus in the configure 

> I just have read that opus is an open sourse audio format
> that is much better that mp3.
> Why it is not supported by default then?

This is the kind of USE flag I would enable globally, in make.conf, rather than 
for individual packages. 

With this very question, that's what you're implying you should do.


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