On Sun, 17 Apr 2016 15:40:04 -0400
Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:

> 160417 »Q« wrote:
> > I too often forget to use 'sudo' along with 'emerge --ask',
> > which gets me a prompt to add '--pretend' to the options.
> > I never want to add '--pretend' to the options :
> > if I've used '--ask', I also meant to use 'sudo'.  
> If your machine isn't in a public place, why don't you use a root
> terminal ? That's what I've always done & have never used 'sudo',
> which isn't installed. 

Because *I* have access to my terminal.  When I run something as root,
I want it to be intentional, not due to me just not paying attention.

> Also, I've always used '-v' rather than '-a', as it's simpler. After
> 'emerge -pv <pkg>', I then carry on with 'emerge -1 <pkg>' or simply
> 'emerge <pkg>', if it's a World or System pkg.

I guess relative simpleness is in the eye of the beholder;  I don't see
running two commands instead of one as simpler generally and certainly
not when it cause all the dependencies to be sorted out twice.

> Really, there are simple ways of doing things with Gentoo,
> which avoid a lot of the complications + hassles others complain
> about.
> HTH (smile).

It sounds like you'd be happier just running everything as root.  It
wouldn't be any more dangerous than giving me access to a root terminal
on your machine.  ;)

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