On 28/05/16 16:00, Giampiero Gabbiani wrote:
> In data sabato 28 maggio 2016 14:03:16, Bill Kenworthy ha scritto:
>> I was just about to spring for a mid range MS surface pro 4 tablet when
>> I saw a few posts about hardware problems ... MS hardware is usually
>> solid (in contrast to their software! :)
>> Are there any other similar tablets out there that are gentoo/Linux
>> friendly that are worth looking at?
> I have a surface pro and one surface pro 3, each of them purchased as soon 
> as they appeared in Italy and all of them with Gentoo running since the very 
> beginning.
> Skipping the patches I had to apply initially for having all the HW working, 
> currently in the pro 3 the running gentoo has a kernel 4.0.4 on which I retro 
> applied the MS button module from a successive kernel release for the volume 
> and power buttons to work and a patch for having both the cams working too.
> If you need I can send them both.
> I'm very satisfied with it (I have also the MS docking station) I use it for 
> office and as DAW (with jackd)
> Regards
> Giampiero
>> I have been using an old Samsung android tablet and google has just
>> crossed the line and creeped me out past what I can tolerate so its time
>> to move on  :(
>> BillK

I went to a couple of stores and decided that if I keep dithering I'll
never do it - so I now have a surface pro 4 :)

Waiting for it charge/complete the windows updates before I force it
into a corner to make room for gentoo.  Thankyou for the offer of the
patches - I'll contact you when I get that far.

I'll be going with kernel 4.4.11 (to match everything else I have here)


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