On 10/3/05, Jonathan Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Opps! :$ Didn't see that. If you want to know what package a file
belongs to, you can use equery from the gentoolkit (emerge gentoolkit):

jwright on jonathan [ ~ ] --> equery belongs
[ Searching for file /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/libpixmap.so in * ]
x11-libs/gtk+-2.6.4-r1 (/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines/libpixmap.so)

So, form that I deduce that you're running an older version of GTK - btw
which one are you using?

You may have to rebuild GTK+.

Rebuilt gtk, and still nothing. The file it searches is not the one, I also tried the equery.
However, someone enlightened me on bugzilla.
It seemed that for some reason gtk-engines-0.12 was unmerged. I just had to reemerge it (it's slotted), and now gnucash works again.
Thank you!

Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ: 1406477
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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