On 2016-08-30, Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> ext2 is on every system,

Unless it isn't.

There's nothing in Gentoo that guarantees everybody has ext2 support
in their kernels.  That said, I agree that ext2 (or perhaps ext3 with
journalling disabled -- I've always been a bit fuzzy on whether that's
exactly the same thing or not) is as close to a "universal" Linux
filesystem as you're going to get. I would guess that the percentage
of Gentoo systems that suport ext2/3 is _way_ _way_ higher than the
percentage that support exfat.

> exfat not. ext2 is very stable, tested and well aged. exfat is some
> fuse something crap. New, hardly tested and unstable as it gets.
> And why use exfat if you use linux? It is just not needed at all.

I agree.  If you want to transport something between Linux systems,
use ext2/3 and use "mount" options to handle the permission issues.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! JAPAN is a WONDERFUL
                                  at               planet -- I wonder if we'll
                              gmail.com            ever reach their level of
                                                   COMPARATIVE SHOPPING ...

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