On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Grant <emailgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ext2 is on every system, exfat not. ext2 is very stable, tested and well
>> aged. exfat is some fuse something crap. New, hardly tested and unstable
>> as it gets.
> If I use ext2 on the USB stick, can I mount and use it as any user on
> any Gentoo system from within a file manager like thunar?

Ext2 will work on any Gentoo system that has it enabled in the kernel,
the same as just about any filesystem that has been created.

Ext2 support is fairly likely to be enabled due to its ubiquity, but
you can certainly run a linux kernel without it, as has already been
pointed out.  If you stick your USB drive in an Android phone, for
example, you might just find that it lacks support for the filesystem
(no doubt many/most Android systems using it for the OS, but since it
is a closed ecosystem with 100% flash they might also use f2fs, yaffs,
or even btrfs (which can be quite stable if you carefully control how
it is used, especially on read-only filesystems)).


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