Francesco Talamona <ti.liame <at>> writes:

> > Just a (WAG) but recompile using nptl?
> Both boxes are Gentoo, one is an x86, the other is amd64, and both of 
> them have nptl nptlonly, the first since nov 2004, the latter since may 
> 2005.

> I never tought it could be nptl flag, can you explain why did you point 
> it out? I switched it on for ut2004-demo 
> Thanks for your hint/insight.

Well, you did not mention that you are using nptl. Generally the newest
thread technologies speed up applications, by allowing processes
to run asynchronously. However, I'm not that familiar with the internal
structures of Konqueror, as to know what are the best/optimized 
flags/options to use when compiling Konqueror, Hence as WAG,

sorry, I could not be more specific, as I do not have any insight into
Konqueror. Maybe on  their development list?


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