On September 14, 2016 6:18:52 PM GMT+02:00, "Holger Wünsche" 
<diegoldeneent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I installed gentoo bun ran into some problems:
>- the root-partition is read-only but shown as read-write when directly
>booting into gentoo,
>- the type of the root-partition is "none",
>- when only mounting the root-partition using a gentoo live-cd all
>other partitions are shown as mounted too and
>- neither /dev, /proc, sys, run nor /tmp are mounted.
>The setup is the following:
>sda3    /            ext4
>sda2    /boot    vfat
>sdc1    /home  ext4
>sdc2    /var       ext4
>The system is booted via UEFI without bootloader. The kernel has a
>build-in initramfs and following arguments:
>root=/dev/sda3 rootfstype=ext4
>The root-partition can not be remounted (I don't get an error, but the
>output of mount doesn't change).
>Holger Wünsche

Does the output of
#  cat /proc/mtab
Change after remounting rw?

Also, how did you build the initramfs?
If using a tool, provide full commandline.

If done manually, please provide your method.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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