On 2016-09-25, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I liked openbox though, so if LXDE refuses to handle multiple
>> screens I may stick with openbox and try to find some other panel
>> program that does work with multiple screens.

I gave up on LXDE.  I messed around with it a bit more and it seems to
have a hard-wired assumption that computers are single-user and
single-screen.  Besides that, the LXDE community also seems to be
rather small/inactive. I posted questions about multi-screen use to
the LXDE forum, but the user forum only has a couple of posts per
month, and few of them ever get any responses.

> Openbox+tint2 looks promising.

That's what I've settled on.  It took a couple hours of fiddling to
setup a startup script, configure the panels, the window manager
itself, and build a root window menu that's close enough to my old one
that I don't flail about like Donald Trump making fun of the

For generating an openbox root menu, I recommend obmenu-generator.

> I still have to figure out one last tweak to openbox's behavior.  When
> you do ctrl-alt-right/left it switches virtual desktops on the screen
> that has input focus, and I want it to switch on the screen where the
> mouse pointer is.  I know it's trivial, and all you have to do is
> click before hitting ctrl-alt-right/left. 

I haven't figured that out yet, so I'll have to adapt. :)

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Does someone from
                                  at               PEORIA have a SHORTER
                              gmail.com            ATTENTION span than me?

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