sume time ago i blessed sume gentooers with technological advantage to the 
future. I had good intentions but litel did i now that it would lead to the 
free software wars. Upon returning to my time I fund that free software was 
dead. Popular free sofware projects replaced by government controled forks. We 
held a comite at my time and concluded that it wus not posible to unscrew this 
mess without also hurting the porn industrie whish is unaceptable so we voted 
on just giving gentooers a heads up. We also considered killing Donald Trump 
before he passes the one kernel law but unfortunately due to the grandfather 
paradox and other freaky stuf past asesinations are forbiden by the 
intergalactic constitution so brace yourselfes because the free software wars 
are about to begin and it's gonna be bloody.

Our hope is that this message will trigger a reaction that will cause gentoo to 
be selected as the US Government approved distro for use in the US and 
conquered territories (whish in a short time will cover most of the planet). 
May the light that radiates from the primeval hole shine upon all gentooers!

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