Mick wrote:
> On Friday 03 Feb 2017 22:00:11 Dale wrote:
>> Jörg Schaible wrote:
>>> Dale wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>> Portage lock?  Sometimes, my brain does that too.  lol
>>> Hehe.
>>>> I thought about it after I hit send but figured you would get the
>>>> thought, maybe you had one or the other in a mask/unmask file or
>>>> something that resulted in a conflict?  I was sort of thinking it but
>>>> didn't type it in for some reason.  Still, if you did the same command I
>>>> posted, you would have seen the difference and thought on it.  Generally
>>>> if there is a difference like that, it's because of a local setting, or
>>>> a change in the tree due to different sync time, which would give the
>>>> idea of syncing again.
>>> Again the same issue on another box:
>>> =============== %< ==================
>>> $ equery l -p boost boost-build
>>>  * Searching for boost ...
>>> [-P-] [  ] dev-libs/boost-1.55.0-r2:0/1.55.0
>>> [IP-] [  ] dev-libs/boost-1.56.0-r1:0/1.56.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.58.0-r1:0/1.58.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.59.0:0/1.59.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.60.0:0/1.60.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.61.0:0/1.61.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.61.0-r1:0/1.61.0
>>> [-P-] [  ] dev-libs/boost-1.62.0-r1:0/1.62.0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-libs/boost-1.63.0:0/1.63.0
>>>  * Searching for boost-build ...
>>> [-P-] [  ] dev-util/boost-build-1.55.0:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.55.0-r1:0
>>> [IP-] [  ] dev-util/boost-build-1.56.0:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.58.0:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.59.0:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.60.0:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.61.0:0
>>> [-P-] [  ] dev-util/boost-build-1.62.0-r1:0
>>> [-P-] [ ~] dev-util/boost-build-1.63.0:0
>>> =============== %< ==================
>>> Portage should be capable of an update.
>>>> Anyway, glad it is going.  That's what matters.
>>> Yep, glad that I have a solution for it now.
>>> - Jörg
>> That is really weird.  That looks like exactly the same output I have
>> and mine updated just fine.  At least, I don't recall having issues.  I
>> read a couple other posts where people were having to run the same
>> command more than once to get portage to find a upgrade path.  I wonder,
>> does emerge/portage/tree have a hiccup somewhere?  Is this a bug that
>> hasn't quite had a finger put on it??
>> Weird.
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> From what I have seen when there are two stable versions of the same package, 
> portage needs to be told which one to install.

It should just update them.  At least that is what it has always done
for me.  Once they remove the keyword/mask for the packages, they should
be put in the upgrade list and portage just figure out which goes first,
if it can't go in parallel. 

I don't recall having to tell emerge to do this other than my usual
emerge -uvaDN world command. 


:-)  :-) 

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