On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 12:19 PM,  <tu...@posteo.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for being offtopic somehow...

If it's in portage (and in most cases even if it isn't) I don't
suppose it's really offtopic.

> I am looking for a documentation for the KRITA image software
> to put onto my tablet. I want to read/learn on my way to and
> back from work. My tablet has no internet connection then...
> Any (legal of course!) source for that docs -- I only
> found the "read online stuff"... ???

Per https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/media-gfx/krita there doesn't
seem to be a documentation useflag, which is generally what you want
to look for for local documentation. I'm slightly confused as to how
the documentation is maintained: on one hand it isn't formatted like a
Wiki (which would only be accessible online), but on the other it
seems to have enough user-contributed content to be online only. It
seems to be tied in to KDE's identity system and might function as a

In which case, I suggest perusing the following:

If you have time to answer, why Krita?

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