On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 10:39:44AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> 1) First, let's determine whether you need a new kernel. su to
> ...
> jackd -R -dalsa -r44100 -dhw -p128 -n2
> alsaplayer -o jack
> ...
> longer test. Any skipping?

Nope, not when running jackd+alsaplayer as root.

However, when running jackd+alsaplayer as a regular user, I get lots
of skipping.

> If you have skipping at this point then you most likely need a
> real-time kernel. My 32-bit machines do not. They run fine with
> gentoo-sources, but my amd64 doesn't run well and needed a new
> realtime kernel to work right.

FWIW, before posting this message, I followed a jack howto (can't
remember the exact source), which walked me through recompiling my
kernel (with "[*] Enable different security models" and "<M>
Default Linux Capabilities"), as well as installing and setting
realtime-lsm up correctly...

> 2) Assuming that your tests as root go well, then emerge
> realtime-lsm.  This may require a new kernel if you don't have the
> right Linux Securities stuff enabled:

...but because I'm error-prone, I double-check my configuration.  As
far as I can tell, I have everything set up correctly.

>From what I can tell, it appears that when I run jackd and
alsaplayer as a non-root user, they automatically get nice'ed, and I
believe this is what is causing the skipping.

For example, as root:

# ps ax | grep jack
9430 pts/1    SLl    0:08 jackd -R -dalsa -r44100 -dhw -p128 -n2
9434 pts/1    SLl    0:09 alsaplayer -o jack

# top
 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
9430 root      18   0 28196  27m 2344 S  2.3  2.7   0:08.68 jackd              
9434 root      15   0 61852  60m 9336 S  2.0  6.0   0:09.89 alsaplayer         

But as a regular user:

# ps ax | grep jack
9661 pts/11   SNLl   0:00 jackd -R -dalsa -r44100 -dhw -p128 -n2
9665 pts/11   SNLl   0:00 alsaplayer -o jack

# top

 PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
9665 garman    20   5 61868  60m 9336 S  2.0  6.0   0:00.86 alsaplayer         
9661 garman    22   5 28200  27m 2344 S  1.7  2.7   0:00.82 jackd              
Notice the "N" (nice) flag for ps, and the niceness value of 5 in

I even tried invoking jackd with the nice program (e.g. "nice -n 0
jackd ..."), but still got stuck the result above.

Hopefully I'm missing something simple... any thoughts?


Matt Garman
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