On Saturday, 16 September 2017 15:35:44 BST Alan Mackenzie wrote:

> What really got up my nose, as mentioned above, was doing an emerge -s on
> thing-provisioning-tools and getting told it was "tools for thin
> provisioning".

I raised a bug report about that once, against use.desc. There was a flurry 
of activity as devs looked around their own bailiwicks and fixed them, then 
everything went quiet again.

It's an example of no designer or coder enjoying any of the still important 
bits left over when the acceptance test is passed.

> What really takes up time maintaining a computer, or
> programming for that matter, is continually having to look somewhere else
> for something.  Even though I doubt it was deliberately designed to
> annoy, that emerge -s entry could hardly have been more annoying if
> somebody had tried to make it so.

Quite so.


Speak severely to your boy
And beat him when he sneezes.
He only does it to annoy
Because he knows it teases.

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