On 2017-10-09, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday, October 9, 2017, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2017-10-09, allan gottlieb <gottl...@nyu.edu> wrote:
>>> This is a know bug see https://bugs.gentoo.org/633790
>> Yep, that's it.  Yet when you search for roundingflags or
>> shapedtextflags in Gentoo's bugzilla, it finds nothing.  Has the
>> search feature in Bugzilla ever worked?
> It's pretty limited.

You're being too kind.  It's broken.  According to the bugzilla web
page, the search includes the summary/description (as one might
expect), but it doesn't actually _do_ that.

> You might notice developers renaming bugs -
> this is why. They usually include the full package name and version
> in their rename, as well as the exact text from the last or most
> important error encountered.

Why do people still use bugzilla??

I've used MantisBT a lot over the past few years, and it seems like it
works much better than bugzilla in many ways. It even has a search
that works!  Even Jira was better than bugzilla, and I never liked
Jira much.

Of course switching from one bug tracking system to another is a
pretty big undertaking...


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