
I got a couple of depending compilation errors...

Top of the stack seems to a problem with mpv / libav.

From the build.lg:

Setting top to                           : 
Setting out to                           : 
Checking for waf version in 1.8.4-2.0.0  : ok 
Checking for program 'cc'                : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc 
Checking for program 'pkg-config'        : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config 
Checking for program 'ar'                : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar 
Checking for program 'rst2html'          : /usr/bin/rst2html.py 
Checking for program 'rst2man'           : /usr/bin/rst2man.py 
Checking for program 'rst2pdf'           : /usr/bin/rst2pdf 
Checking for program 'windres'           : not found 
Checking for program 'perl'              : /usr/bin/perl 
Checking for 'gcc' (C compiler)          : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc 
Detected target OS:                      : os-linux 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror=implicit-function-declaration : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations    : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wno-error=unused-function            : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wempty-body                          : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wdisabled-optimization               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wstrict-prototypes                   : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wno-format-zero-length               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Werror=format-security               : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wno-redundant-decls                  : yes 
Checking for compiler flags -Wvla                                 : yes 
Checking for LGPL (version 2.1 or later) build                    : disabled 
Checking for GPL (version 2 or later) build                       : yes 
Checking for internal audio filter chain                          : yes 
Checking for mpv CLI player                                       : yes 
Checking for shared library                                       : disabled 
Checking for static library                                       : disabled 
Checking for static build                                         : disabled 
Checking for whether to include binary compile time               : yes 
Checking for whether to optimize                                  : disabled 
Checking for whether to compile-in debugging information          : disabled 
Checking for manpage generation                                   : yes 
Checking for html manual generation                               : yes 
Checking for pdf manual generation                                : yes 
Checking for dynamic loader                                       : yes 
Checking for C plugins                                            : yes 
Checking for zsh completion                                       : yes 
Checking for inline assembly (currently without effect)           : yes 
Checking for test suite (using cmocka)                            : disabled 
Checking for generate a clang compilation database                : disabled 
Checking for compiler support for noexecstack                     : yes 
Checking for linker support for --nxcompat --no-seh --dynamicbase : no 
Checking for -lm                                                  : yes 
Checking for MinGW                                                : os-win32 
not found 
Checking for POSIX environment                                    : yes 
Checking for Android environment                                  : disabled 
Checking for development environment                              : yes 
Checking for Universal Windows Platform                           : disabled 
Checking for win32 desktop APIs                                   : os-win32 
not found 
Checking for internal pthread wrapper for win32 (Vista+)          : posix found 
Checking for POSIX threads                                        : yes 
Checking for GNU C extensions                                     : yes 
Checking for stdatomic.h                                          : yes 
Checking for stdatomic.h support or slow emulation                : yes 
Checking for linking with -lrt                                    : yes 
Checking for iconv                                                : yes 
Checking for w32/dos paths                                        : os-win32 
not found 
Checking for termios                                              : yes 
Checking for shm                                                  : yes 
Checking for nanosleep                                            : yes 
Checking for spawnp()/kill() POSIX support                        : yes 
Checking for spawnp()/kill() Android replacement                  : 
posix-spawn-native found 
Checking for any spawnp()/kill() support                          : yes 
Checking for Windows pipe support                                 : posix found 
Checking for glob() POSIX support                                 : yes 
Checking for glob() win32 replacement                             : posix found 
Checking for any glob() support                                   : yes 
Checking for fchmod()                                             : yes 
Checking for vt.h                                                 : yes 
Checking for gbm.h                                                : yes 
Checking for GLIBC API for setting thread name                    : yes 
Checking for OSX API for setting thread name                      : 
glibc-thread-name found 
Checking for BSD API for setting thread name                      : 
glibc-thread-name found 
Checking for BSD's fstatfs()                                      : no 
Checking for Linux's fstatfs()                                    : yes 
Checking for Samba support (makes mpv GPLv3)                      : disabled 
Checking for Lua                                                  : yes 
(version found: luajit) 
Checking for Javascript (MuJS backend)                            : disabled 
Checking for SSA/ASS support                                      : yes 
Checking for libass OSD support                                   : yes 
Checking for dummy OSD support                                    : libass-osd 
Checking for zlib                                                 : yes 
Checking for Encoding                                             : yes 
Checking for Bluray support                                       : disabled 
Checking for dvdread support                                      : yes 
Checking for dvdnav support                                       : yes 
Checking for DVD/IFO support                                      : yes 
Checking for cdda support (libcdio)                               : yes 
Checking for uchardet support                                     : yes 
Checking for librubberband support                                : disabled 
Checking for LCMS2 support                                        : disabled 
Checking for VapourSynth filter bridge (Python)                   : disabled 
Checking for VapourSynth filter bridge (Lazy Lua)                 : disabled 
Checking for VapourSynth filter bridge (core)                     : vapoursynth 
not found 
Checking for libarchive wrapper for reading zip files and more    : yes 
Checking for SDL2                                                 : disabled 
Checking for SDL (1.x)                                            : disabled 
Checking for OSS                                                  : disabled 
Checking for RSound audio output                                  : disabled 
Checking for sndio audio input/output                             : disabled 
Checking for PulseAudio audio output                              : disabled 
Checking for JACK audio output                                    : yes 
Checking for OpenAL audio output                                  : disabled 
Checking for OpenSL ES audio output                               : disabled 
Checking for ALSA audio output                                    : yes 
Checking for CoreAudio audio output                               : disabled 
Checking for AudioUnit output for iOS                             : no 
Checking for WASAPI audio output                                  : os-win32 
not found 
Checking for Cocoa                                                : disabled 
Checking for DRM                                                  : yes 
Checking for DRM Prime ffmpeg support                             : yes 
Checking for GBM                                                  : disabled 
Checking for wayland-scanner                                      : no 
Checking for wayland-protocols                                    : no 
('wayland-protocols' not found) 
Checking for Wayland                                              : disabled 
Checking for X11                                                  : yes 
Checking for Xv video output                                      : yes 
Checking for OpenGL Cocoa Backend                                 : disabled 
Checking for OpenGL X11 Backend                                   : yes 
Checking for OpenGL X11 EGL Backend                               : yes 
Checking for OpenGL DRM EGL Backend                               : disabled 
Checking for OpenGL Wayland Backend                               : disabled 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 Backend                                 : 
win32-desktop not found 
Checking for OpenGL/DirectX Interop Backend                       : gl-win32 
not found 
Checking for OpenGL ANGLE headers                                 : os-win32 
not found 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Library                           : egl-angle 
not found 
Checking for OpenGL Win32 ANGLE Backend                           : egl-angle 
not found 
Checking for VDPAU acceleration                                   : yes 
Checking for VDPAU with OpenGL/X11                                : yes 
Checking for VAAPI acceleration                                   : disabled 
Checking for VAAPI (X11 support)                                  : disabled 
Checking for VAAPI (Wayland support)                              : disabled 
Checking for VAAPI (DRM/EGL support)                              : disabled 
Checking for VAAPI GLX                                            : vaapi-x11 
not found 
Checking for VAAPI EGL on X11                                     : vaapi-x11 
not found 
Checking for VAAPI EGL                                            : vaapi-x-egl 
not found 
Checking for CACA                                                 : disabled 
Checking for JPEG support                                         : yes 
Checking for Direct3D support                                     : 
win32-desktop not found 
Checking for libshaderc SPIR-V compiler                           : disabled 
Checking for libcrossc SPIR-V translator                          : no 
('crossc' not found) 
Checking for Direct3D 11 video output                             : 
win32-desktop not found 
Checking for Raspberry Pi support                                 : disabled 
Checking for iOS OpenGL ES hardware decoding interop support      : no 
Checking for OpenGL without platform-specific code (e.g. for libmpv) : disabled 
Checking for MALI via Linux fbdev                                    : disabled 
Checking for OpenGL context support                                  : yes 
Checking for Vulkan context support                                  : disabled 
Checking for EGL helper functions                                    : yes 
Checking for FFmpeg/Libav present                                    : yes 
Checking for libav* is FFmpeg mpv modified version                   : no 
Checking for libav* is upstream FFmpeg (unsupported)                 : yes 
Checking for libav* is Libav                                         : no 
Checking for Libav/FFmpeg library versions                           : no 
('libavutil >= 56.0.100 libavcodec >= 58.2.100 libavformat >= 58.0.102 
libswscale >= 5.0.101 libavfilter >= 7.0.101 libswresample >= 3.0.100' not 
Unable to find development files for some of the required FFmpeg/Libav 
libraries. You need git master. For FFmpeg, the mpv fork, that might contain 
additional fixes and features is required. It is available on 
https://github.com/mpv-player/ffmpeg-mpv Aborting.
 * ERROR: media-video/mpv-9999::gentoo failed (configure phase):
 *   configure failed
 * Call stack:
 *     ebuild.sh, line  124:  Called src_configure
 *   environment, line 4672:  Called waf-utils_src_configure 
'--confdir=/etc/mpv' '--docdir=/usr/share/doc/mpv-9999' 
'--htmldir=/usr/share/doc/mpv-9999/html' '--disable-libmpv-shared' 
'--disable-libmpv-static' '--disable-static-build' '--disable-optimize' 
'--disable-debug-build' '--enable-html-build' '--enable-pdf-build' 
'--enable-cplugins' '--enable-zsh-comp' '--disable-test' '--disable-android' 
'--enable-iconv' '--disable-libsmbclient' '--enable-lua' '--lua=luajit' 
'--disable-javascript' '--enable-libass' '--enable-libass-osd' '--enable-zlib' 
'--enable-encoding' '--disable-libbluray' '--enable-dvdread' '--enable-dvdnav' 
'--enable-cdda' '--enable-uchardet' '--disable-rubberband' '--disable-lcms2' 
'--disable-vapoursynth' '--disable-vapoursynth-lazy' '--enable-libarchive' 
'--enable-ffmpeg-upstream' '--enable-libavdevice' '--disable-sdl2' 
'--disable-sdl1' '--disable-oss-audio' '--disable-rsound' '--disable-sndio' 
'--disable-pulse' '--enable-jack' '--disable-openal' '--disable-opensles' 
'--enable-alsa' '--disable-coreaudio' '--disable-cocoa' '--enable-drm' 
'--disable-gbm' '--disable-wayland' '--enable-x11' '--enable-xv' 
'--disable-gl-cocoa' '--enable-gl-x11' '--enable-egl-x11' '--disable-egl-drm' 
'--disable-gl-wayland' '--enable-vdpau' '--enable-vdpau-gl-x11' 
'--disable-vaapi' '--disable-vaapi-x11' '--disable-vaapi-wayland' 
'--disable-vaapi-drm' '--disable-caca' '--enable-jpeg' '--disable-rpi' 
'--disable-plain-gl' '--disable-mali-fbdev' '--disable-vulkan' 
'--disable-shaderc' '--enable-cuda-hwaccel' '--enable-tv' '--enable-tv-v4l2' 
'--enable-libv4l2' '--enable-audio-input' '--enable-dvbin' 
 *   environment, line 5578:  Called die

Is there any known fix for that?

Thanks a lot for any help in advance! :)


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