On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 11:04 PM, John Campbell <jdc....@cox.net> wrote:
>> I installed ffmpeg-9999 and it compiles fines.
>> Everything else failed again (for example mpv-9999).
>> Why does an update of already ok installed applications
>> break something in parts because the installation
>> has components, which are mutually exclusive?
>> They weren't before (whichout the update everythong was fine...)
> I've been periodically fighting with mpv and ffmpeg for various reasons
> for quite some time.  Which is why I've been pushed into running live
> versions of both.  Version bumps on ebuilds that fail version checks
> (like this one) is my first line of defence.
> The reason live rebuilds keep breaking even though they're installed it
> the upstream developers change to library requirements and flags without
> telling anyone.
> There's a bug report about this at https://bugs.gentoo.org/635650 which
> seems to offer several solutions and satisfies none...  It looks like
> the decision at present is "wait and hope it gets fixed upstream"

With Gentoo that is usually the most expedient solution, cost of time

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