On 03/01/18 21:39, Stroller wrote:
>> What this completely misses, is that gentoo-sources merely DOWNLOADS THE
>> > LATEST KERNEL SOURCE. So updating gentoo-sources every time does nothing
>> > to change the kernel you are running.

> I don't know why you think I missed that.

Because you're banging on like downloading the source is the same thing
as installing a new kernel - which it's not.
> If you `emerge gentoo-sources` then updates of them will appear every time 
> you --pretend update world until you allow them to be emerged, hence my use 
> of the word "nagged".
Which is why I just let them appear and clutter up /usr/src :-)

> If you want to install them, that's your prerogative, but just allowing them 
> to be automatically emerged fills up your system with unwanted uncompressed 
> kernel sources, consuming huge amounts of space.
I take your point - you're paying for storage by the meg, and a quick du
-sh tells me a kernel is approx 1G - ouch.

But is the OP like you, or like me - about to upgrade from a home system
that already has 6TB of storage ...

> 20GB should be ample space for an operating system IMO, but between /usr/src 
> and /usr/portage it's pretty easy to consume a quarter of that.

I remember when it fitted on an 8" floppy :-) It was bad enough
installing Slack from a 30-floppy set ...

What would be nice, would be if "emerge --depclean" had the smarts to
recognise that /usr/src/linux pointed to the current active kernel, and
didn't wipe that when it cleaned out everything else :-) That way, at
most you could have the current and latest kernel sources available
pretty easily.


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