tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> On 03/26 09:22, R0b0t1 wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 8:55 AM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 9:00 AM, R0b0t1 <r03...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, March 25, 2018, <tu...@posteo.de> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> is there a way to download the archive (or how is it called in the
>>>>> world of Ubuntu ?) of a program, from which I only know the
>>>>> apt-get and apt-install commands?
>>>>> And how can I do the same for a developer release of that program
>>>>> when I additionally know the ppa (whatever that is...?)
>>>> I've never had this be easy enough I'd want to do it. Is it possible now?
>>>> I.e. grabbing all deps wouldn't be necessary if Gentoo's library versions
>>>> match the .deb's.
>>> This could just be a language barrier issue, but it isn't entirely
>>> clear to me what the question is, and whether it has been answered.
>>> The original question doesn't seem to have anything to do with Gentoo,
>>> so I'm not sure why we're talking about "Gentoo's library versions."
>>> If the intent really was to ask how to fetch ubuntu packages for use
>>> with ubuntu then it would probably make more sense to ask about it on
>>> an Ubuntu list/forum/etc.
>>> If this is a Gentoo question and the submitter is just unfamiliar with
>>> Gentoo and is using Ubuntu terminology that is fine, but I think it
>>> would be helpful to have a bit more clarification, such as what the
>>> end goal is.  Are we asking for tarballs of sources (distfiles)?  Are
>>> we asking for binary packages?  Is this a question about generating
>>> ebuilds for versions not in the main repo?  Is this about how to get a
>>> .deb made for Ubuntu working on Gentoo?
>>> I think everybody is trying to be helpful, but is interpreting the
>>> question differently.  Perhaps the original submitter already got the
>>> answer they're looking for, which is fine.
>> Well, yes - I think the question as asked has been answered, but I'm
>> trying to figure out what he was doing. I did assume he was going to
>> be using the packages with Gentoo somehow, just based on the mailing
>> list he used.
> Hi,
> sorry for my horrific bad English. I will try to explain, what I
> intended to do, again. Hopefully this time with more success:
> There is a package, which is "selfcontained". As an example here:
> Blender, which can easily be downloaded from builder.blender.org as
> *.bz2 archives, is also "selfcontained" as it includes everything,
> what it needs to run successfully.
> Despite the fact, that this way of packaging makes a software quite
> independant from the layout of the distribution it will be installed
> on, the maintainer of that package only support Debian/Ubunto and
> has publishes onlu the commands needed to instruct the package
> management system of thoses systems to install that software -- as
> mentioned -- on Debian/Ubuntu-like systems.
> As I am using Gentoo and wanted that package and didn't found any
> other source and this package uses qt4 (included), I asked on this
> mailing list for help, how to get access to the physical package,
> which I wanted to unpack (low level) and try to get it working
> somehow.
> I dont asked on a Debian/Ubuntu mailing list as these are for
> questions about -- beside other related things -- installing 
> packages on Debian/Ubuntu.
> I asked on this mailing list, since I wanted to run that
> Debian/Ubuntu package on a Gentoo system.
> Cheers
> Meino

If you want to install blender, it's in the tree already.  Just emerge it.

eix blender
* media-gfx/blender
     Available versions:  2.72b-r4 ~2.79 ~2.79-r1 {+boost +bullet
collada colorio cuda cycles +dds debug doc +elbeem ffmpeg fftw
+game-engine headless jack jemalloc jpeg2k libav llvm man ndof nls
openal opencl +openexr openimageio openmp +opennl opensubdiv openvdb osl
player redcode sdl sndfile test tiff valgrind CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse sse2"
PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_5 python3_6" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4
python3_5 python3_6"}
     Homepage:            https://www.blender.org
     Description:         3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System


If you want to install a version not in the tree, some really new
experimental/untested release, then you may can take those ebuilds and
tweak them to work with the new version.  Sometimes it is as simple as
replacing the version but sometimes it is almost a complete rewrite. 

If you just used blender as a example, ignore this since it may not
help.  ;-)


:-)  :-) 

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