On 05/22/2018 02:39 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
Just to be pedantic, ckermit isn't a terminal emulator. It's a serial comm package that will connect a serial port to whatever terminal/tty you used to run the ckermit command. It's also a file transfer protocol, but that's pretty much irrelevant for this thread.

Duly noted. I suspect that minicom, cu, and putty-link (?) also qualify the same way.

Conversely, XTerm, Gnome-Term, PuTTY, Datastorm ProComm, Vandyke (Secure)CRT, and Hummingbird Host Explorer are all true terminal emulators as they are GUI applications that display text.

I use ckermit every day, but have never tried to wrap it with either of the aforementioned readline utilities (the things I connect to have their own command line history/editing facilities).

Interesting.  Can I ask more about what your use case is?

Grant. . . .
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