On Thu, 9 Aug 2018 16:18:43 +0800, Bill Kenworthy wrote:

> Have a look at Dirvish or borgbackup (both in portage) for what they can
> do.  Having a space efficient store at regular points of time is a
> lifesaver at times. To restore from dirvish its a copy from the selected
> tree.  With borg its either restore with a command, or mount it and copy
> the data out of the mount.

I agree with all of this and I would also add Duplicity as a possible
candidate, although not quite as simple to use as BorgBackup (I haven't
tried Dirvish) I usually end up putting a wrapper script around such tasks

If you have your offsite backups in another building, how will you get
the backups there? If they are networked, great, but if it relies on you
physically moving hard drives between locations, it won't be done when
you need it. Cloud storage is cheap these days and most backup programs
have an option to store encrypted data on an external service. I'm
currently using a combination of Duplicity and Hubic for this.

Neil Bothwick

<Linuxgeek> How do i find the model of my card?
<Serena[T]> your nick is misleading, seriously

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