On 14/08/18 12:42, John Covici wrote:
> I use sanoid/syncoid to back up using zfs.  Its great, keeps snapshots
> for as long as I want them (I use 80 days for now).  And it keeps
> hourlies for the last couple of days as well, so I could roll back in
> case of a problem.  Very nice if you use zfs.  I don't think btrfs is
> ready for prime time -- its been under development for a while, but I
> am scared to use it -- I did try once, but got nowhere.

btrfs is pretty reliable apparently unless  you stress it in ways where
it is known to be flaky ... and it's now SUSE's default root filesystem ...

Basically, DO NOT use raid, unless it's raid 1. DO NOT let the disk fill
up if you're using snapshots.

I think one of the reasons it's still got  a bad rap, is a lot of SUSE
installs fell over pretty badly. And the reason they fell over is that
the developers forgot a lot of users don't have  powerful machines ...

The SUSE defaults were to enable snapshotting for upgrades and updates.
And not to check the size of disk allocated to / ... :-( so it was not
unusual for an update to snapshot, install, run out of disk and BOOOOM :-(

Made worse by the fact that when they realised this,  they didn't try
to fix it retrospectively, leaving a lot of time-bombs out there just
waiting to go off.

Fortunately, when I hit this, I had spare disk I could add to the volume
and it promptly sorted itself out, but a simple dedicated root should
not fill up a 10GB partition (or was it 80? I'm not sure ...). But no, a
lot of people have trashed their disks trying to recover from a disk
full scenario :-(


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