Mick wrote:
> On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 03:11:38 BST Walter Dnes wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 02:59:17PM +0100, Mick wrote
>>> This is worse than I expected.  OK, therefore never signing into Google's
>>> systems with Chromium is the only way to stop this invasion of privacy.
>>> Thankfully, we still have Firefox.  ;-)
>> Ahemm...
>> https://dustri.org/b/mozilla-is-still-screwing-around-with-privacy-in-firef
>> ox.html
> Yes, there is this leaking agent running in FF, but I have (almost) disabled 
> telemetry.  The problem is this pesky entry which is shown as "locked" and 
> therefore unable to be disabled in about:config
> Preference Name            Status  Type     Value
> =========================  ======  =======  =====
> toolkit.telemetry.enabled  locked  boolean  true

Just for giggles, I looked at my config and it shows a default status
and is set to false.  Maybe it is a difference in version or could it be
a USE flag makes a difference or something else???  I'm on Firefox
52.9.0.  Maybe you are using the latest version.  I'm stuck here due to
some add ons not ready for the newer versions. 


:-)  :-) 

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