Alexey Eschenko wrote:
> Is there any way to disable sending some parts of the collected data? 
> I've seen some of the last probes and found that there may be some
> potentially sensitive data.
> I don't mind to share my configuration with community but I don't want
> to share some logs, mountpoint data and same other info.

I'd like to remove a few things myself.  Some things such as file system
mount points and such gives clues as to what they contain.  I noticed a
couple other things I'd rather not include.

I noticed it builds a directory inside /root/HW_PROBE/LATEST/.  I used
the command hw-probe-1.4-129-x86_64.AppImage -all but left off the
upload part.  It collected the info but didn't send it yet.  I wonder,
can we delete the info from the directory it created and then leave off
-all but put -upload and it send only what we didn't delete.  In other
words, build the files, remove what we don't want sent and then send
what is left.  Do it in three parts instead of one.

Anyone know if that works?  Anyone who doesn't care what they send mind
testing it for us who want to leave out some small amounts of data? 



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