I don't think a straight 'drop-in/replacement' will boot.

The CPU scheduler does change from 'fam10h' to 'fam15h'.
The '3DNow!' && 'enhanced 3DNow!' ( used in fam10h ) instructions are
dropped / removed in fam15h.

Doing the 'emerge -e @world' with '-march=generic' is probably the only
guaranteed to work solution.

If you take this route set the CPU_FLAGS_X86= to MMX, SSE, SSE2 with no
3DNow!, enhanced 3DNow! ( gcc flags / CFLAGS -mno-3dnow, -mno-3dnowa )

Just remember to change the kernel configuration also.

Reference Links :

On 12/6/18 2:58 PM, Dale wrote:
> Hi,
> My concern is this tho.  I have my old CPU still installed and
> everything is compiled based on that.  So, I'm stable with the old CPU. 
> However, when I shutdown, take out the old CPU and install the new one,
> I'm concerned it may not boot at all because of the change or may boot
> but be very unstable.  I recall years ago being able to set up the flags
> in such a way that it can run on virtually any CPU but it's been a long
> time ago and I don't know if it is needed or not.  My hope was, someone
> did a very similar upgrade and can say for sure if it works or if I need
> to do things before changing the CPUs to make sure I can boot and be
> stable.  If I can just get a stable console, I can do a emerge -e world
> and get the OS inline with the CPU.  I'm just concerned whether I will
> have that or not. 

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