Corbin Bird wrote:
> I don't think a straight 'drop-in/replacement' will boot.
> The CPU scheduler does change from 'fam10h' to 'fam15h'.
> The '3DNow!' && 'enhanced 3DNow!' ( used in fam10h ) instructions are
> dropped / removed in fam15h.
> Doing the 'emerge -e @world' with '-march=generic' is probably the only
> guaranteed to work solution.
> If you take this route set the CPU_FLAGS_X86= to MMX, SSE, SSE2 with no
> 3DNow!, enhanced 3DNow! ( gcc flags / CFLAGS -mno-3dnow, -mno-3dnowa )
> Just remember to change the kernel configuration also.
> Reference Links :

That's what I was curious about.  From my understanding, while a CPU
made by the same maker and has the same pin out, they are different
inside as far as what instructions they run.  I think I'll go the
generic route, which is what I was looking for really, and change the
CPU flags as well.  I'll at least do a -e @system run which should get
me a bootable OS.  Once I install the CPU, I can reset back to old march
setting and update the CPU flags to whatever cpuid2cpuflags shows for
the new CPU and rebuild again. 

Sounds like I need to build a new kernel as well. I guess I could name
one with FX in it to be able to tell it from the old one.  I do mine
manually anyway, except for the dracut thingy. 

Thanks much.


:-)  :-)

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