Statux wrote:
> Hello all.
> I've done a fair amount of research in order to try and solve the issue
> of my HyperThreading not getting enabled. I, however, have not gotten
> anywhere with it.
> I've got a 3.0GHz P4 with HyperThreading (Intel 531 processor for those
> of you who know of the Intel Processor Numbers) - kernel 2.6.13. I've
> enabled SMP and the HT scheduling option in the kernel config along with
> ACPI as I was told that it's a requirement in order to get HT to work.
> Yes, HT is enabled in BIOS. After compiling, installing, rebooting, etc,
> I don't see any changes. This is what /proc/cpuinfo shows:

I had a very similar chip (3.2Ghz only diff) in a laptop.  After trying
for a long while, I finally figured out that even though the 531 is
stated to support HT, that that particular laptop didn't.  There was no
way I could enable it.  (Didn't work with any OS, windows, livecd or
whatever).  It just wasn't there for me.

You may check into that possiblility before wasting too much time
tweeking kernel options.

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