On Sat, 22 Jun 2019 10:07:46 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

> Yesterday's routine update took mariadb from 10.3.16 to 10.4.6. When I
> came to look at my emails today, kmail couldn't do anything. To start
> with, it was stuck in an endless, looping attempt to display the
> current email. Then it couldn't archive the inbox, then it couldn't
> import from an archive. I couldn't even move an email from one folder
> to another. Akonadictl fsck and vacuum seemed to run but didn't improve
> anything. Even reverting to an old copy of my home directory didn't
> help.

Did you restart msyqld and run mysql_upgrade?

Neil Bothwick

Okay, I pulled the pin. Now what? Hey, where are you going?

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