Dale wrote:
> P. S. Starting to wonder if I should copy my current install over and
> start there.  I'd assume skipping /home, /proc and /sys would get me
> started.  Still, gonna try the stage3 again.  Just for giggles.  Do all
> this while I cook some BBQ chicken for supper tomorrow night. 

Wanted to update on this, in case some other poor soul wants to go down
this path.  The PS above is what I ended up doing.  That stage3 tarball
never worked.  It was like running in circles trying to emerge
anything.  Plus, copying over from my current install gives me a 100%
clone of my install.  So, I created a script, y'all would call it a
joke, to copy over all the directories/files from my current install. 
That seems to work.  I actually noticed I'm a version behind on
kde-plasma and am upgrading it in the chroot as I type.  Once that is
done, I can copy over the binaries and do a emerge -k for the running
install.  This is my scripts, y'alls jokes.  lol 

root@fireball / # cat /root/gentoo-mount
mount --types proc /proc /backup/gentoo-build/proc/
mount --rbind /sys /backup/gentoo-build/sys/
mount --rbind /dev /backup/gentoo-build/dev/

root@fireball / # cat /root/gentoo-rsync-build
rsync -av --progress --delete /bin/* /backup/gentoo-build/bin/
rsync -av --progress --delete /boot/* /backup/gentoo-build/boot/
rsync -av --progress --delete /etc/* /backup/gentoo-build/etc/
rsync -av --progress --delete /lib/* /backup/gentoo-build/lib/
rsync -av --progress --delete /lib64/* /backup/gentoo-build/lib64/
rsync -av --progress --delete /opt/* /backup/gentoo-build/opt/
rsync -av --progress --delete /run/* /backup/gentoo-build/run/
rsync -av --progress --delete /sbin/* /backup/gentoo-build/sbin/
rsync -av --progress --delete /usr/* /backup/gentoo-build/usr/
rsync -av --progress --delete /var/* /backup/gentoo-build/var/

echo "Sync done"
root@fireball / #

The first one mounts things, if they are not already mounted.  The
second one syncs up everything, except /dev, /sys etc etc. 

I'll know in a couple hours or so how well this works.  I can't see why
I would have any problems but . . . . . I'm me.  ROFL  :/ 


:-)  :-) 

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