On 4/2/20 8:23 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
It's very powerful but the configuration file format is almost impossible to understand, so people developed an m4 application that accepted a _slightly_ less cryptic language and generated the sendmail configuration file.
The configuration file is far from impossible to understand.

Calling it a configuration file is sort of a misnomer in that it's more of a programing language than a configuration file. Some have even said that it's Turning complete.

It does have some things going against it though.

1) It is highly dependent on the tab character (one or more) being used to separate two parts of specific lines. This is easily visually lost as well as frequently lost with bad copy & paste. But it's trivial to know about and correct. (Compare that to Python that has lost all of it's leading white space.)

2) The "config" file is really multiple sub-routine that are called in specific instances and do very specific things. You must know which one you need to use when.

3) Sendmail's logic is different than what most people are used to. It's not quite RPN. But it's different enough that many people have problems with it. I think it's more like relay logic. Each line in a rule-set has an opportunity to apply to the current working space. Each line can modify the working space, possibly directly or indirectly by calling other things. If you aren't careful, the working set can be inadvertently matched by multiple lines (rules). As such, the working set is specifically modified so that other lines don't match if they should not. There is a lot of pattern manipulation to keep track of and it takes practice.

I'm sure that there are others. But those are the big ones that come to mind at the moment.

At it's peak back in the early 90's there were approximately five people in the world who actually understood sendmail, and none of them ever worked where you did.

I don't know about the '90s, but I do know that in the '00s and '10s, your statement is exaggeration to the point of being hyperbole.

I have witnessed an active Sendmail support community for about 15 of the last 20 years. Most of that support was via the comp.mail.sendmail newsgroup.

The rest of us stumbled in the dark using the finely honed cargo-cult practices cutting and pasting random snippets out of example configurations to see what happened.

Your lack of use of resources doesn't mean that said resources wasn't available.

Usually what happed is that mail was lost or flew around in a loop multiplying to the point where a disk parition filled up.


That said, sendmail has features that no other MTA has. For example, it can transfer mail using all sorts of different protocols that nobody uses these days.

It's not just (on the wire) protocols that sendmail supports. Many of which are effectively obsolete save for specific microcosms. Sendmail also supports interfacing with other programs in a very flexible manner.

It is fairly easy to have Sendmail support Mailman (et al.) in such a way as that you don't need to change anything on the email server when adding or removing mailing lists. No, I'm not talking about automated alias generation. There is no need for alias generation when Sendmail and Mailman are connected properly.

Sendmail quite happily supports LMTP into local mail stores / programs. This is quite handy when you want something like a recipient's sive filter to be able to reject a message.

Back in the 90's a number of replacement MTAs were developed such as
qmail, postfix, exim, etc.  When you installed one of these, (instead
of the classic sendmail), they would usually provide an executable
file named "sendmail" that accepted the same command line arguments
and input format that the original did.  That allowed applications who
wanted to send email to remain ignorant about exactly what MTA was

Yep. The "sendmail" command has become a de facto industry standard that most MTAs emulate.

Grant. . . .
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