On 2020-04-03, Grant Taylor <gtay...@gentoo.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:

> (20)ProTip:  You really do want local outbound queueing /somewhere/ on box.
> You don't want your web application to error out when it can't reach 
> it's SMTP server.  You don't want t loose that receipt for the 
> transaction that the customer just made.  Can you regenerate the 
> receipt?  ;-)

If you've got any sort of non-interactive "server" type applications
that need to send mail, then you _definitely_ want local queueing --
and probably decent logging capabilities and local delivery of problem
notification e-mails.

I only use ssmtp for situations where mail is only sent by an
application I'm interacting with and where I can _see_ that the send
failed and can save/postpone the message while I fix whatever's broken
that caused the failure.

> But I really object to the "ultra-professional" comment, because 
> everybody has to start somewhere.

If you want to become an ultra-professional, that's fine.  If you just
want to be able to send mail interactively from mutt...

OK, that's a bad example now that mutt has built-in SMTP client


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