On Wednesday, 17 June 2020 18:31:42 BST J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On 17 June 2020 19:01:54 CEST, Michael <confabul...@kintzios.com> wrote:

> >https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/Snapshots2
> Can you point to where in the commands above the memory anf cpu state is
> actually stored and loaded back when reverting to the snapshot? From what I
> see, it is only fhe disk image.
> I really need this feature for lab environments where I need the ability to
> fully roll back to a running instance.

I understand runtime parameters (inc. RAM, CPU cores, et al.) are also 
reflected in the snapshot and have seen this mentioned in the interwebs, but 
as I have not performed an online snapshot myself and therefore I can't 
confirm its validity.  :(

However, all I see in the previous link plus the two below is manipulation of 
VM images.


> >I've wanted to migrate a qemu qcow2 image file or two of different OS',
> >all
> >currently stored on an ext4 partition on my desktop, to a dedicated
> >partition
> >on the disk.  Would this be possible - how?  Would I need to change the
> >qcow2
> >to a raw image?
> I don't know. One of the reasons I dislike file based images is the lack of
> transparency and tools. LVM is much simpler for disk based snapshots and
> management.
> --
> Joost

I have found QEMU rather esoteric in its command range and options, which has 
changed over time;  with older commands deprecated (e.g. '-drive 
if=virtio,...' replaced with '-blockdev file,...'.  I'd like to migrate a 
Win10 VM to a disk partition, but would not want to mess this up, because I 
would hate to have to reinstall it.

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