On 7/8/20 1:09 AM, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
On Tue, 2020-07-07 at 23:50 -0400, james wrote:
I have a proton mail account, the free one, very basic.

Proton mail doesn't allow standard IMAP/SMTP, which is relevant given
the below.  If you want to use a mail client, protonmail is probably a
non-starter for you

Will this guide allow thunderbird and other complex apps to
send/receive mail from the postfix server, (thunderbird) ?

Yes, the guide uses dovecot which is a modern IMAP server.  Postfix is
used exclusively for SMTP as an MTA, for sending.

OK, you have convinced me. I'm got to spin up some extra gentoo systems (rasp.Pi.4) and get the static IPs from the isp. I'll drop a line, when ready.

DO feel encourages to just keep replying to this thread, with links, suggested config options and anything else. I'm going for the entire enchilada, here::
 (2) primary dns servers, one mail server (system) and
one basic simple web server.

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