On 12/07/2020 11:59, Michael wrote:
On Sunday, 12 July 2020 09:29:08 BST Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
No. But what you can do is lower its nice level to 19, and CPU and IO
priority to "idle".

    schedtool -D -n 19 pid
    ionice -c 3 -p pid

Another trick to use if the atom is becoming I/O disk bound is:

echo bfq > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler

This will have more of an impact if the PC is swapping heavily and the I/O on
/dev/sda is choking other processes accessing the disk.

bfq seems to help a bit (although not as much as some years ago, when bfq was an actual disk scheduler rather than just a scheduling policy tweak.)

I have bfq enabled by default for everything by putting the following in /etc/udev/rules.d/20-block.rules:

  ACTION=="add|change", SUBSYSTEM=="block", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="bfq"

This will use bfq for all storage (including storage devices plugged in at runtime, like USB disks.)

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