Hamish Marson wrote:
Sorry, I disagree. You are supposed to configure switches & hubs for
static and NOT auto. Auto detect is a broken protocol. If you can even
be that charitable. AFAIK it's not even a proper standard.

If you don't configure statically you get mismatches and then

You can't really configure full duplex on a hub... well if you could it would be a switch. That brings us to the next point that many switchs don't have interfaces to set the switch side to full duplex so you're stuck with auto-negotiation. And the only thing more broken than auto-neg is setting one side and not the other. And finally many network drivers don't support setting full duplex when the driver is loaded so you're stuck tryiing to run something in rc.local... assuming ethtool or mii-tool supports the card and many cards aren't supported.

In summary, doing away with auto-neg does tend to solve the problem, but there are significant barriers to doing this in many enviroments.

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