Holly Bostick wrote:
sean schreef:

What is the proper way to over ride a package that is (masked by: missing keyword)? From what I read it is supposed to be done with the
package.keywords file in /etc/portage. But I must be doing something
wrong with format.

Specifically I am trying to install openoffice 2.0 on my amd64 system. I have unmasked it, but the keyword is still blocking me.

Thanks Sean

'Missing keyword' is a very specific state, different from masking,
keyword ~arch, or other kinds of blocks;

From packages.gentoo.org

Description: OpenOffice.org, a full office productivity suite.
Releases        alpha   amd64   arm     hppa    ia64    mips    ppc     ppc64   
ppc macos       s390    sparc   x86
2.0.0                   -       -          -          -         -          -    
      ~         -                  -
        -              -           ~

You see that "-" under the alpha, amd64, arm, hppa and all other
architectures than ppc and x86?

Those "-" are missing keywords. This package is only rated (as unstable)
for ppc and x86 architectures. On all other arches, the build is so
unstable, or so untested, that it is not keyworded at all.

Which is why the legend on p.g.o says

"- not available"

Now, if you really really want to test such a build in the name of
science, you can of course do so, but you will have to jump through a
hoop or two because you really are not meant to be using this package
unless you mean to help troubleshoot:

First thing to do is to add to /etc/portage/package.keywords:

app-office/openoffice -*

This will unmask the build with the missing keyword.

Try running the emerge again, but there's a fair likelihood that you
will hit a further mask, like package.mask.

If so, you should again consider if you *really* want to unmerge this
package; if it's masked up the wazoo, are you sure that you have the
time and energy to deal with the problems it apparently has, and help
solve them? If not, find an alternative (like openoffice-bin, which is
marked as unstable for amd64).

If so, then add the package to /etc/portage/package.unmask


and see how far you get.

Be warned, it's quite possible that the package will not compile, or
will have problems compiling-- openoffice is quite hard to compile under
the best of circumstances, and these are not them. There have been a lot
of changes, both in the program itself (hence the 2.0 version) and in
the supporting infrastructure (gtk libraries, freedesktop.org specs, X
itself not to mention the deeper backend libraries), and how these
things are going to interact on a 'sensitive' system architecture is
anybody's guess.

But of course, somebody has to take the plunge and report back for the
issue to progress any further, so if you want to do that, good luck.

If you don't want to do that, but rather just use the program, unmask
and install the bin package.


Hi Holly,

I can get it unmasked, I just can't clear the keyword.

This is what is currently in my keyword file.

app-office/openoffice -*
app-office/openoffice ~amd64

This is my unmask, which is working.


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