
On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, Walter Dnes wrote:
>  urlview has served me faithfully for many years in conjunction with
>mutt.  In a recent install, I find it's no longer available (python

Stated reason was "upstream dead" (which seems the case since 2013,
with issues on github[1])...

>extract_url is touted as a drop-in replacement for urlview.  I
>emerged it and did some RTFM, ending up more confused than ever.  I want
>to display urls on a simple menu, just like urlview, select, and pass
>the selected url to my palemoon email profile...
>/home/waltdnes/pm/palemoon/palemoon -new-instance -p email

I don't know urlview, but FWIW, I use the mouse or cursor in e.g. 
emacs to select the URL (or just a part) as usual and then
Ctrl+"8th-Button" (actually lower thumb button, use xev / evtest to
find the right button number) to call the browser, done via xbindkeys:

# call browser with selected text as URL
"/home/dh/bin/browser $(xsel -o)"
    Control + b:8

You can use pretty much any unused key-combination with or without the
mouse as trigger.

(that ~/bin/browser is just my little wrapper-shellscript adding e.g. 
a profile option, a '-new-tab' if the browser is already running or
calling another unliked, but needed for some specific pages, browser...)

Ah: x11-misc/xbindkeys x11-misc/xsel


[1] https://github.com/sigpipe/urlview/issues

Door: Something a cat wants to be on the other side of

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