On Wed, Apr 28, 2021 at 12:18:42PM +0800, Steve Kollios wrote
> I'd be interested to see how this integrates in your workflow, I'm
> looking for a similar solution myself. The current functionality of
> mutt/neomutt leaves a bit to be desired when using it as described.

 I read email with mutt in an xterm.  Here's my current my current,
deprecated, setup with Urlview.  It's a two-step process...

1) In "~/.mutt/muttrc" in the "Macros" section, as one long line, tell
mutt to feed the message through "urlview" when you hit uppercase U,
either {SHIFT}{U} or "u" with {CAPSLOCK} enabled.

macro pager U ":set pipe_decode\n|urlview\n:unset pipe_decode\n" "extract URLs 
out of a message"

2) In "~/.urlview" two lines tell Urlview what regexp to match as a URL
and what to do when the user selects a URL.  I don't know if the
"width/height" parameters are honoured any more in Pale Moon

REGEXP (((https?|ftp)|mailto):(//)?[^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]
COMMAND palemoon -width 950 -height 1050 -P email %s &

  My workflow is...

* I'm reading an email, and I come across a URL I want to look at.

* I hit {SHIFT}{U} and a list of URLS from that email pops up at the top.
  See the attached PNG image.  I'm using a "what's coming soon" email
  from Netflix as an example.

* Use the UP and DOWN keys on the keyboard to select the URL you're
  interested in, i.e the arrow at the left of the image.

* Hit {ENTER} and the selected URL shows up at the bottom of my xterm.
  I can edit the URL if it want to.  Hitting {ENTER} again launches the
  command (i.e. Pale Moon with the the email profile), or {CTRL}{C}
  backs out.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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