On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 23:08:15 +0100, n952162 wrote:

> I did a --depclean but that didn't help.  I'm not seeing where an error
> is indicated.
> This was done with this still installed:
>   */* PYTHON_TARGETS: python3_7
> I commented that out and tried again, and after a few USE flag
> iterations, I ended up with what seems like the same situation. Log on
> request.

There's a lot to trawl through here, it looks like you haven't updated
for quite some time. I'd suggest you try to cut down on the noise by
updating only @system instead of @world.

A quick glance at some of the output suggests that you still have
PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_6" set somewhere. What do

grep -r python3_6 /etc/portage
emerge --info | grep -i python

tell you?

Neil Bothwick

Never argue with an idiot. First, they bring you down to their level.
Then they beat you with experience.

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